Abner Finishes a 5K
Abner, right after he decided to turn RIGHT instead of LEFT!
Abner has had to learn to walk four separate times in his life. Granted, he is extremely determined (which is just another way of saying stubborn!) When he puts his mind to something, he locks in and goes for it. Abner has been like this for as long as I’ve known him.
Abner continues to amaze me - our eight-year-old walking and breathing miracle. But this weekend he decided to take it to another level. As part of a fundraiser for his school, he finished a 5k walkathon (though he ran most of the way) at Palmer Park on Detroit’s westside. The course made a loop through the woods, and there was an option to turn left and finish after a mile, which many of the kids did. But Abner was absolutely determined to turn right and do the whole race, even though I was trying to casually talk him out of it as I ran alongside him on the course.
I’m afraid to say it, but it seems Abner has discovered the joys of running. As I’ve written about previously running is one of the most meditative and spiritual practices available to humankind (read: Run With Joy). Since I wrote that article last year (a piece on completing my first ultramarathon) I’ve learned that the Hebrew word used in the Bible for Holy Spirit is ruach meaning breath. Breathing is a miraculous activity and running is nothing if not a highly concentrated breathing exercise. Running is praying with our bodies and sometimes a good run opens up a channel in your soul that can’t be reached by sitting still. Running is also a form of worship. I believe that on some level Abner understands this mysterious spiritual truth, and his running makes the universe more beautiful.
My prayer is that he won’t be ruined by the competitive constraints we place on the beautiful act of running. Two years ago was the first time he ever ran in an organized race. He saw me training and wanted to participate as well. So we signed him up for the Meijer Kids Fun Run in downtown Detroit. On a chilly October morning he crossed the finish line after going a little over 1 mile. He was dead last.
But when I tell you, the roar that went up from the crowd when he crossed the finish line, it was one of the most moving moments of my life. I still get teared up to think about it.
The year after that he came back and did the Meijer Kids Run again. But this time it was different. He wasn’t in the top 10, but he wasn’t near the back either. As the course went on, he continued to pass other kids who had given up or run out of breath. He was determined, and he just kept moving along. But more importantly, he was having fun and doing something he loved.
Abner’s first race. 2021.
It is inspiring to see him grow in his love for running. This development is something I didn’t see coming, but is a pleasant surprise. May it bring him joy for many, many years in this life.
It is also inspiring to see his character grow and develop. Something we are very thankful for is his school Charlotte Mason Community School. They place a tremendous focus on developing the children’s character and building consciousness about how to be good members of a community. CMCS is reinforcing values like selflessness, duty, service, and sacrificial love for others, things that Laurie and I care deeply about and want to impart to our kids. They are also teaching the kids to think critically and embrace their unique inner creativity. It is a great environment that he is thriving in.
So now comes the part where I hit you up for money. Abner’s 5K this weekend was to raise money for Charlotte Mason Community School and the great work they are doing in Detroit. If this post touched something in you and you’d like to sow into the lives of these incredible young people (including Abner!) you can donate to his 5K Walkathon fundraising page below, he still hasn’t reached his fundraising goal.
Or if you’re reading this a few days later, that link will already be closed and you send your donation here