Make Your Family Great Again
January 17th, 2025
Dear Fellow Trump Supporter,
We, like you, are elated about the recent election of Donald J. Trump to the office of President of the United States. These perilous and unprecedented times we live in call for strong leadership, and under the direction of President Trump we believe that America will soon return to its former place of prominence in our world.
It is therefore with much sadness and disappointment that we must inform you of a terrible mistake that has occurred. During the recent fall election, there were errors and abnormalities in the voting materials. On countless ballots the office for which candidates were running became disconnected from the candidates’ specific names, causing many persons to be elected to positions for which they were not running. Unfortunately, President Trump was one of the candidates affected by this anomaly in the voting system and was not elected to be 47th president of the United States, but rather the next leader of your household.
Given these unusual circumstances you may have many questions and we will strive to provide you with the most up-to-date information as we receive it. For now, please know that President Trump will be moving into your home next Monday to assume full control and responsibility for your family. Please be prepared to hand over any of the tools and material assets, including uninhibited use of the master bedroom, to ensure a smooth transition of power.
Despite the change in direction, we encourage you to look at all benefits President Trump will be bringing to your family situation. He is a very savvy businessman, with a strong track record of wise financial discernment. For those of you who are financially struggling, burdened by debt, or do not make enough income to get by, we believe his monetary prowess will turn the tide for your family’s bank accounts and investments over these next few years.
He is also a world-class peacemaker: someone who brings grounded calm to an anxious situation. President Trump is defined by his ability to bring people of differing viewpoints together and create unity where there was once divisiveness. Along these lines he would have ended many of the world’s major conflicts on day one, had he ascended to the Presidency. Given that he could end war in a day, we fully expect all marital tension, relational rupture with your children, and long-standing estrangement from relatives you haven’t spoken to in years, to be resolved within the first twelve hours of his occupying the role of leader of your family.
Though likely not many, some of you may feel a slight apprehension at the prospect of President Trump living in your home and directing its affairs. You have heard false rumors and malicious lies about our dear leader, in fact too many to count! Some who wish to besmirch his character have said he is racist, sexist, careless, heartless, given to fits of rage, a serial liar, adulterer, philanderer, cheater, that he is self-centered, narcissistic and only out for himself and his own legacy. We want to remind you that despite the sheer volume of these accusations, none of them are true, and no amount of evidence will convince us otherwise. Therefore, we assure you that your spouse will be safe and looked after with President Trump carrying the mantle of your family. Your sons and daughters will be well cared for and raised in a stable, loving household, where they can reach their full potential. In short, your family will prosper and be far better than it was over these last four years.
Even if the allegations about President Trump are true - which we are nearly certain they’re not - we must remember that God often uses bad people as his instruments in the world. A careful reading of the Holy Bible in fact reveals that in nearly all cases it is the people who know nothing of God, don’t devote any time to learning God’s will and are only out for themselves that God uses as his hands and feet in the world. So have peace in your spirit knowing that the overall direction of your immediate family is in good hands. For someone who can run an entire country so well, managing your tiny household should be no trouble at all.
Together, we look forward to making your family great again!
Leo Cornwall
Special Assistant
Save America Leadership Political Action Committee